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Whole Foods giving raises, supermarkets reacting to coronavirus

Whole Foods giving raises, supermarkets reacting to coronavirus

Grocery stores are seeing high levels of customer activity with both the reasonable and panicked reactions to the coronavirus. Cleaning supplies and toilet paper (really?) are of particular interest to consumers. Some stores seem to be restocking better than others.

Earlier this week Whole Foods announced that it’s giving hourly employees a $2 per hour raise through the end of April for their extra efforts serving customers. The decision is in line with its parent company, Amazon, which made the same move one day earlier.

In addition, Prime Now, Amazon Fresh, and Whole Foods are offering delivery customers the “unattended delivery” option if they prefer not to have any contact with others.

According to reports, most supermarkets are taking measures like modifying hours, limiting purchases, establishing seniors-only hours, and closing temporarily to restock. Not surprisingly, reports also indicate that online purchasing and home delivery of groceries are up significantly.