Commercial Real Estate Leasing
Landlords rely on us to identify ideal tenants.
Landlords rely on Equity Retail Brokers to identify ideal tenants for their shopping centers and storefronts, because they know that retailers rely on our unique knowledge capital of geographic markets, and the superior personal service that we deliver to each and every client, regardless of size. For landlords of all types of commercial properties, we are equally committed to excellent service.
We use our extensive in-house resources to create compelling marketing tools for your property, plus the human resources of our Retail Brokers Network to put hundreds of agents nationwide to work on your behalf.
Through the collective experience of our agents, we have built enduring relationships with national, regional, and local retailers, as well as developers and managers of commercial real estate, who all trust Equity Retail Brokers to represent them with diligence and integrity. Our team approach to landlord representation is the Equity Retail Brokers difference and the key to our success.

- Demographic Studies
- Strategic Planning
- Leases / Renewals
- Sale Leasebacks
- Subleases
- Project Representation
- Lease Negotiations
- Build-to-suit Leases
- Relocations
- Market Feasibility
- Expansions