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Trader Joe’s says it’s saving jobs by not offering online grocery service

Trader Joe’s says it’s saving jobs by not offering online grocery service

Trader Joe’s recently revealed that it does not plan to offer grocery pickup and delivery, despite the heightened demand for online grocery services during the pandemic. According to an article on businessinsider.com, marketing executives for the company said the costs for building online grocery services were too high and that the offerings don’t always translate into positive results. Executives also think it may ultimately eliminate jobs.

“Creating an online shopping system for curbside pickup or the infrastructure for delivery – it’s a massive undertaking,” said Marketing VP Matt Sloan. “… the reality is that over the last couple of decades, we’ve invested those resources in our people rather than build an infrastructure that eliminates the need for people.”

“While other retailers were cutting staff and adding things like self-checkout, curbside pickup, and outsourcing delivery options, we were hiring more crew and we continue to do that,” added Marketing Director Tara Miller. “We know that this period of distancing will end, and when it does, our crew will be in our stores to help you find our next great product just as they’be always been.”