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Whole Foods resurgence due to cost cutting, more cash in the bank

Whole Foods resurgence due to cost cutting, more cash in the bank

David Goodman | Dec 21, 2011 |

Brian Gaar of the Austin American-Statesman (Austin, TX) interviewed Whole Foods Founder John Mackey last week, who explained that spending cuts, prudent store openings, a renewed focus on value and an increase in cash reserves are key factors in the company’s rising stock price and strong recovery from the recession.

Mackey also weighed in on the Occupy Wall Street protesters.

“I’m sympathetic to some of their ideas, but not all of them,” he said. “For me, I think the issue is less about inequality in the distribution of income and more about the inequality in the distribution of free market capitalism, of economic freedom.”

The entire article can be found here: Whole Foods founder Mackey weighs in on grocer’s resurgence, future

David Goodman

David leases high-quality shopping centers, represents select retail clients and sells vacant bank properties. 

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