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Shop Kick Helping the Boxes

Shop Kick Helping the Boxes

In the never ending fight to get customers in the store, retailers are using a relatively new iPhone and Android app called Shop Kick to generate customer trips. Shop Kick users get rewards when they walk into partner stores. 

Check out this article and you may end up downloading the app.  However, some may end up dismissing it outright.  Before overlooking this article because you may not think it’s important, keep in mind the vast majority of people under thirty are rarely, if ever, without their smart phones.  Email is becoming ‘old school’ for them and texting, Tweeting, social media, and the like are their primary forms of communication. 

Sports Authority tried it and they are going back for more.  Toys R Us and Babies R Us are also getting on the wagon. 

Please see the link below for the article and the full list of tenants using the app.
Clickz Article