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La Colombe secures nationwide deal with Whole Foods

La Colombe secures nationwide deal with Whole Foods

La Colombe, the premium, specialty coffee retailer with Philadelphia roots, has secured national distribution of its roasted coffee in all Whole Foods Markets across the country, according to a company announcement released in late October. In addition, the release states that the company will provide the coffee and training for cafes in several Whole Foods Market regions, and two “Friends of Whole Foods Market” locations – owned and operated by La Colombe – will open within two Whole Foods flagship stores later this year in Austin, TX and New York City.

“Friends of Whole Foods Market” is an opportunity for innovative businesses and entrepreneurs to establish independent retail spaces inside Whole Foods stores.

Earlier this year, La Colombe opened several cafes in collaboration with Whole Foods. These locations – three in the Rocky Mountain region and two in Boston – are owned and operated by Whole Foods but fully serviced by La Colombe.

La Colombe calls itself the leading coffee roaster known for ethical, long-term trade practices with growers. It currently owns and operates 30 cafes in Philadelphia, New York, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles and Washington, DC, with more scheduled to open soon.