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Join.me for a Conversation

Join.me for a Conversation

The Challenge

  • We have a limited amount of time in the real estate business and in life.
  • Reviewing aerials, site plans, elevations, and LOIs is very cumbersome and difficult when you and your client are not both looking at the same document at the same time.
  • You need to join.me for a conversation.

Action Taken

  • I can’t stand inefficiency.  It drives me nuts.
  • To move things along as fast as possible, I share my computer screen with an online service called join.me.
  • All I do is email my clients a link or give them a code.
  • We review LOIs at the same time, entering comments real time, so the LOI is ready for the other party at the end of the call.  No delays.
  • I combine our market aerial with Google Earth, then zoom down to Google Earth Street View.  It’s the next best thing to being on the site.
  • Throw in Bing’s Bird’s Eye Aerial with the Landlord’s site plan and building elevation and the client has just received a full presentation in a matter of minutes.
  • Now, the tenant, landlord, or developer has a full understanding of the location before taking the time and spending the money to visit the site.

The Result

  • Pictures tell the best story.
  • Clients have a much more comprehensive understanding of a site and the surrounding market.
  • The conversation is exponentially more efficient since my client and I are concurrently looking at the same materials.
  • Our join.me calls with web conferences have proven to be wonderful time saving devices.
  • Our business is about being fresh, innovative, and on the cutting edge to maximize results.
  • Frankly, with tools like join.me, my clients and I are having a lot of fun.


Eric Jacobsen, Executive Vice President, Chief Administrative Officer & General Counsel of Gander Mountain, recently participated in a conference call with Rob to review existing stores in a market and opportunities for store expansion.

“Rob’s screen sharing during our recent call was extremely helpful to the process and significantly sped up the time needed to review all the sites and supporting materials.  The group was able to view the materials and contribute feedback even though we were in different locations.  What could have taken a significant amount of time, took no more than an hour.”

There are no boundaries in the business when it comes to creativity.  If my tools, tricks, and methods can save us all time and money, then we do it.  My underlying goal with my job is to have fun and keep life interesting.  We only have so much time in life and in business.  Let’s treat time with the respect it deserves.

Join.me for a conversation and let’s enjoy the business together.