Analysts question how fast Wal-Mart will grow its smaller formats

There’s plenty of debate about what Wal-Mart will or won’t do, whether their smaller format stores would work, and how smaller Wal-Marts would affect the current players in the supermarket industry. However, I think the most interesting part of the attached article is the idea of Wal-Mart purchasing Rite Aid, which would give it a […]

Stock Analysts Agree: Supervalu Is no 'Buy'

The fact that all 14 analysts that follow Supervalu (Acme in the Philly market) do not recommend the stock is awful. With Safeway (Genuardi’s) and A&P (SuperFresh, Pathmark) closing stores, let’s hope Supervalu can pull through. Can all 14 analysts be wrong? http://www.businessweek.com/investor/content/nov2010/pi2010111_032839.htm

S&P Cuts A&P to Highest Risk

S&P calls A&P (SuperFresh, Pathmark, Waldbaum’s, The Food Emporium, Food Basics) “highly vulnerable.” S&P Cuts A&P to Highest Risk

Are "Food Deserts" Real or Are They a Scam?

This is an issue with strong opinions on both sides. I’m not knowledgeable enough on the topic to take a position, but here’s what I know. The Pennsylvania Fresh Food Financing Initiative is making a difference in Philadelphia, thanks in large part to Jeff Brown (Brown’s Super Stores). No scam here. Michelle Obama’s $400 Million ‘Food […]

Developers Diversified Ahead of Pace on Goals

Any good news for a REIT like DDR is good news for the shopping center industry. http://www.cleveland.com/business/index.ssf/2010/10/developers_diversified_ahead_o.html

Price Chopper Turns Around Tweeting Mishap

This Price Chopper / Tweeting saga is not a new story, and one would think that the upstate New York-based supermarket would just want it to go away. Not so. They have given the story legs by acknowledging their error and turning it into a case study on social media. And make no mistake about it, it’s also a study […]

A&P Seeks New Loan After Weak Q2

Tough times for A&P, but let’s hope their plan succeeds. A&P Seeks New Loan After Weak Q2

Good stuff from Shopping Centers Today (ICSC) - CMBS issuance rising again

Good stuff from Shopping Centers Today (ICSC) CMBS issuance rising again Refinancing capacity is slowly returning to retail real estate, as investors regain interest in the CMBS market. Issuance of U.S. commercial mortgage-backed securities is on track to total between $10 billion and $15 billion this year, research firm Investcap Advisers expects. That compares to […]

Who is Tesco and why should we care?

Tesco (LSE: TSCO), based in England, is the world’s third largest retailer, with stores in 14 countries across Asia, Europe and North America. With market share of approximately 30%, it’s the clear grocery leader in the UK. Tesco introduced Fresh & Easy Neighborhood (grocery) Markets to the Western U.S. in 2007, and there are already 168 stores in […]

Weis Markets Posts Increase in Income

Weis sometimes gets lost in the supermarket shuffle in eastern PA and southern NJ, but they continue to fare pretty well. http://www.philly.com/inquirer/breaking/business_breaking/20101014_Weis_Markets_posts_4_9__increase_in_3Q_income.html