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A Round of Applause for Toys R Us

A Round of Applause for Toys R Us

Toys R Us has done what many thought impossible; turn the company around and return it to a successful viable retailer.  Jerry Storch (CEO) and company did it in the face of a terrible economy and increasing pressures from Walmart, Target and Amazon.  

The company is cutting costs, buying some of its competitors, and ramping up its online effort.  The pricing is good at Toys R Us, but it doesn’t always beat the competition.  However, they do win when it comes to selection and providing exclusive toys.  I don’t care who you are or how old you are, going into Toys R Us is simply fun at any age.  Try it…

The Seattle Times Article

Toys R Us turnaround turns heads

In the race to sell Transformers, Rock ‘N Roll Elmo and Lalaloopsy, Toys R Us knows how to win. That’s no small feat for a company once marked for death as specialty toy retailers crumbled under pricing pressure from Walmart and Target.

But aggressive moves in recent years have placed Toys R Us on a path of resurgence. Buying up failing rivals, cutting costs, building an online presence and ramping up exclusive offers have positioned the retailer to regain lost market share.

The chain’s revival comes despite flagging consumer spending that has raised doubts about the nation’s recovery from the recession. This holiday shopping season will be a critical test for the retailer – and for the broader economy – revealing whether Americans feel confident enough about their financial futures to open their wallets.